Annual Women's Bible Study
We look forward each year to our annual Women's Bible Study. The elders have overseen and approved the personnel, resources and material needed for this work to be done in a way that is in full harmony with the commands of God.
As faithful Christians who are striving to go to heaven, we are highly interested in knowing all that God expects of us and the works we will be held responsible for doing. Although subject to some scriptural restrictions and limitations, women have a definite place in teaching God's Word. The Holy Spirit tells of Philip's four daughters, Priscilla, Lydia and the women of Crete as approved examples of women who taught. Likewise, the Spirit revealed that while a woman's role in the church is limited, there is invaluable work they might do with divine approval (Titus 2:3-5).

Becoming A Woman of the Bible
Gay Gasaway
08/01/15 Women's Bible Study

Sandy Anderson
08/01/15 Women's Bible Study

From Darkness, Let the Light Shine
Joy Anderson
07/31/15 Women's Bible Study